Day 3: Learning About Water- 5/20/19
Today we learned about water, what happens to the water we use, and how it affects our ecosystem. We went to 5 different stations with visitors that had water-related jobs, and they talked about what they did. The first station was the River Mobile, which was a mobile classroom that taught people about aquifers and Dayton's relationship with water. Then we went to a classroom to learn about different water-related careers. Next, we learned about how scientists sample water. After that, we learned about watersheds and water cleaning systems in the Miami Valley. Lastly, we learned about robot/cameras that went into water pipes to find the causes to problems relating to the water pipes.
I learned a lot about water. I didn't know that water that went into storm drains went straight into rivers and didn't get cleaned. I realized that I had to be more careful with what I accidentally spill. I also learned that whatever we do with the water in our rivers will affect our downstream neighbors. If we throw trash into the river, it will end up in the Ohio River, then the Mississippi River, and maybe even the Gulf of Mexico. We may not affect it too much, but we still contribute to it. This made me feel very sad and it was eye opening. Water is essential for our survival, so I realized that we should do all in our power to take care of our bodies of water. Now, I will try to spread the word, pay attention to how much water I use, and make sure I never litter.
Lastly, we wrote a poem with a group that had to be about water/rivers. This was our poem-
"This is the river, vast and strong.
This is the rain, shiny, and feeding into the river.
These are the trees, tall, detailed, and lining the river.
These are the plants, small and green, rooted next to the trees.
These are the rocks, hard and smooth.
This the river, vast and strong."
Overall, it was a successful day!